Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Mark Stibbe

The Rev. Dr. Mark Stibbe is Vicar at at Andrews Church, Chorleywood in Hertfordshire, UK. He and his twin were adopted at seven months old by Philip and Joy Stibbe, and Mark was sent to the most expensive school in the country, Winchester College. He met his wife Alie at university in Cambridge, where he was studying on a scholarship.

Before going to St Andrews, Mark Stibbe was involved in leading St Thomas' Church, Crookes, Sheffield, a nationally significant Anglican church which despite previous controversy is still pioneering in mission into the city.

Stibbe is a close friend of J John, who is himself a member of St Andrews and the pair have written several books together.

Being adopted has given Mark a unique perspective on the doctrine of adoption, one which he explores in From Orphans To Heirs. It is this perspective which has also driven his gift-book The Father You've Been Waiting For, which is designed for Christians and non-Christians alike.

Other titles by Mark Stibbe are available at many good Christian bookstores.

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